Scream My Name

by Kimberly Kaye Terry

Bookcover: Scream My Name

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Scream My Name
Kimberly Kaye Terry
Kensington Aphrodisia
Trade Paperback
March 2009
320 Pages
ISBN 10: 0758228759
ISBN 13: 978-0758228758
Romance novel


Formats » Trade Paperback

Book Description for Scream My Name

Walk That Way . . .

Tall, built, and blue-eyed developer Brandan Walters is one hell of a man. Too bad he and Leila James are on opposite sides of an important issue—he has plans for the neighborhood around her new café. In fact, she ought to consider him her enemy. But Leila's blown away just watching him walk toward her: talk about sexy. Brandan's deep baritone is as easy as a long, lazy summer day—the kind of day when two hot people oughta get nice and wet. And what she sees in his eyes when he looks at her is hotter than the blazing sun. Leila will persuade him to see things her way. When her café opens for business, it's going to be a very popular place. A place where lovers meet....and passionate affairs get started...

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