Writer Resources for Erotic Romance Authors
The best way to learn how to write is to do it--write, write, write. But of course, it doesn't hurt to read the type of book you plan to write (some might say it's an undeniable necessity and I'd have to say I agree with that particular perspective). Regardless, there will probably come a time when one wants the advice of other (published) authors. Instructional books can help. Since this site is devoted to erotic romance novels, I decided that I'd list books that offer to help in writing erotic novels. General romance writing references can be found here.

Books for the Sensual / Romantica / Erotica Writer
- Passionate Ink: A Guide to Writing Erotic Romance by Angela Knight
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Erotic Romance
- The Erotic Writer's Market Guide by Lawrence Schimel, Rachel Kramer Bussel
- How to Write a Dirty Story: Reading, Writing & Publishing Erotica by Susie Bright
- How to Write Erotica by Valerie Kelly
- The Burning Pen: Sex Writers on Sex Writing by M. Christian (Editor)
- The Joy of Writing Sex: A Guide for Fiction Writers by Elizabeth Benedict
- Writing Erotica by Edo Van Belkom
- Writing Erotic Fiction: And Getting Published (Teach Yourself) by Mike Bailey
- Writing Erotic Fiction: How to Write a Successful Erotic Novel by Pamela Rochford
Writing articles (about writing erotic romance)
- Steaming Up Your Love Scenes Workshop by Emma Holly (who has written many excellent erotic romance books)