3 Seductions and a Wedding

by Julie Leto

Bookcover: 3 Seductions and a Wedding

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3 Seductions and a Wedding
Julie Leto
Harlequin Blaze #543
June 2010
ISBN 13: 978-0-37379-547-5
Romance anthology

Miniseries: Encounters


Formats » Paperback, , ebook

Book Description for 3 Seductions and a Wedding

Why wait for the wedding night?

Tying the Knot

Jessie might not forgive Leo for his long-ago betrayal, but after one scorching kiss, she can't fight the chemistry anymore. But a girl can't base her future on great sex. Or can she?

Take This Man

Can hunky Drew convince his longtime crush Annie that he's the man for her? All he has to do is sweep her off her feet...then make her forget that he's a much younger man....

Bedded Bliss

When playboy billionaire Ajay is ready for real commitment, he thinks sexy, sensible Mallory is his woman. Too bad her only desire is to experience his reputed prowess in bed!

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