Afternoon Delight

by Mia Zachary

Bookcover: Afternoon Delight

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Afternoon Delight
Mia Zachary
Harlequin Blaze #247
April 2006
256 Pages
ISBN 10: 0373792514
Romance novel

Dating software says they're just right for each other, but can they trust in love?


Formats » Paperback,

Subjects » Dating Services, Lawyers, Judges, and Legal Professionals, Matchmakers

Book Description for Afternoon Delight

Rei Davis has earned a reputation for being a man-eater in the courtroom—where she's not afraid to issue harsh decisions—but an ice princess in the bedroom—where she's afraid to ask for what she wants. A one-year breast cancer survivor, Rei believes she has a second chance so she's not going to waste any of the time she's been given. She's determined to fulfill as many items on her Life List as she can, including seducing a sexy stranger. At a nightclub, she does a little dirty dancing with a hot blond that leads to even hotter kisses up on the darkened balcony. But as much as Rei enjoys the moment of abandon, fantasies need to remain just that.

Chris London is a success professionally—he runs Lunch Meetings, the hottest dating service in San Francisco and most of his clients have found their happily-ever-after. Personally, though, he can't seem to make a relationship last longer than a month. When his father walked out, he'd shattered any illusions Chris had about love and marriage. He's pleasantly surprised when Rei calls him to finish what they started. They meet at a hotel where they agree there'll be no strings or complications. Afterwards, he doesn't really expect to see her again. So he's stunned when Rei walks into Lunch Meetings.

The compatibility software declares Rei and Chris a perfect match, but can he convince Rei that they have a future together?

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