All Or Nothing

by Debbi Rawlins

Bookcover: All Or Nothing

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All Or Nothing
Debbi Rawlins
Harlequin Blaze #417
September 2008
ISBN 10: 0373794215
ISBN 13: 978-0373794218
Romance novel


Formats » Paperback,

Book Description for All Or Nothing

It's impossible to miss Dana McGuire, with her long blond hair and legs up to there. Everyone thought she would be a superstar—including, until recently, Dana herself. But working as a personal trainer at a posh Manhattan hotel has its own rewards. Not least of which is some of the hot clientele she gets to, uh, work up a sweat with.

Such as Chase Culver, the sexy, rough-around-the-edges movie producer who thinks she's got what it takes to sizzle on stage...just like they sizzle in bed. Problem is, he's not only under the covers, he's undercover. So if she's leery about giving showbiz another try—wait until she finds out who Chase really is!

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