Getting Physical

by Jade Lee

Bookcover: Getting Physical

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Getting Physical
Jade Lee
Harlequin Blaze #489
September 2009
ISBN 13: 9780373794935
Romance novel


Formats » Paperback,

Book Description for Getting Physical

When savvy business student Zoe crosses paths with sexy international businessman Stephen—a Tantric master—she's about to get a transcendent learning experience!

The sex is incredible, mind-blowing, life changing! Unfortunately, it also comes with a time limit. Because Stephen's home is on the other side of the world.

Still, Zoe's going to enjoy every moment with her skillful, exotic lover. But it isn't long before she realizes she'll have to choose. Does she want to hold on to the life she has...or have a lifetime of feeling his body move against hers?

Like there's a choice...

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