Santa, Baby

by Lisa Renee Jones

Bookcover: Santa, Baby

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Santa, Baby
Lisa Renee Jones
Harlequin Blaze #510
December 2009
ISBN 10: 0373795149
ISBN 13: 9780373795147
Romance novel

Miniseries: Dressed to Thrill


Formats » Paperback, Ebook

Book Description for Santa, Baby

When bookstore owner Caron Avery dresses up as Marilyn Monroe for a charity ball, she decides that for once in her life she'll let her inhibitions go. Before she knows it Caron is living a night of fantasy with sexy millionaire Baxter Remington in hot pursuit.

And what a night it is. Sizzling, red-hot and sensual, Baxter can't believe he's fallen under the adorable blonde''s spell. But with the scandal going on in his life, he knows he should let her go before she gets caught up in it, too. Then again—maybe one more night (or eight!) of mind-blowing passion will help them both forget!

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