Sliding into Home

by Joanne Rock

Bookcover: Sliding into Home

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Sliding into Home
Joanne Rock
Harlequin Blaze #486
August 2009
ISBN 13: 9780373794904
Romance novel

Miniseries: Encounters

It's all about scoring—on the field and in the bedroom!


Formats » Paperback,

Book Description for Sliding into Home

They play the field...but can they play for keeps?

Rookie Brody Davis has all the right moves. But will they be enough to tempt sexy Naomi back into his bed?

Shortstop hero Lance Montero must prove to a bad-girl heiress that he's good at everything he does. Very, very good...

Superstar Javier Velasquez is getting a hot 'n heavy workout with Lisa, the team's trainer. But who's healing whom?

First baseman Rick Warren is on a winning streak...with the owner's daughter!

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