The Mighty Quinns: Teague

by Kate Hoffmann

Bookcover: The Mighty Quinns: Teague

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The Mighty Quinns: Teague
Kate Hoffmann
Harlequin Blaze #482
July 2009
ISBN 13: 9780373794867
Romance novel

Miniseries: Quinns Down Under
Miniseries: The Mighty Quinns

Forbidden never felt so good...


Formats » Paperback, Ebook

Book Description for The Mighty Quinns: Teague

For veterinarian Teague Quinn, life in the outback is pretty predictable...until his first love—his forbidden love!—Hayley Fraser, comes home and shakes things up. And nothing gets more rattled than Teague's libido....

Teague had been Hayley's childhood sweetheart. But there's nothing boyish about the sexy Aussie now. He's grown to be everything Hayley ever wanted in a man. Unfortunately, Teague's also a Quinn, and the feud between their families is still going strong.

No way can they act on their attraction. Because getting a Quinn and a Fraser together is just asking for trouble....

The most irresistible kind of trouble!

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