The Sexy Devil

by Kate Hoffmann

Bookcover: The Sexy Devil

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The Sexy Devil
Kate Hoffmann
Harlequin Blaze #546
June 2010
ISBN 13: 978-0-37379-550-5
Romance novel



Formats » Paperback, , ebook

Book Description for The Sexy Devil

Meet Max Morgan. Unrepentantly sexy. Impossible to resist. He's broken countless hearts across the country—including Angela Weatherby's....

When Angela first met Max, she'd been young, sweet and impressionable. But time and experience have changed that. Now she can see what kind of man he really is.

Unfortunately, he's still the man she wants more than her next breath.

And she finally gets him! Angela's night with Max is magical. He knows just what to do, where to touch, how to make her feel. He's the perfect man for her.

Too bad she's not the first woman to believe that. But will she be the last?

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