Bad Boys With Expensive Toys

by Karen Kelley, MaryJanice Davidson, Nancy Warren

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Bad Boys With Expensive Toys
Karen Kelley, MaryJanice Davidson, Nancy Warren
Kensington Brava
Trade Paperback
November 2004
ISBN 10: 0-7582-0586-4
Romance anthology

Series: Bad Boys


Formats » Trade Paperback

Book Description for Bad Boys With Expensive Toys

Play nice? Play fair? Not on your life. But with these bad boys and their expensive toys, it's so much more fun to play dirty...

The Fourteen Million-Dollar Poodle Nancy Warren

Labor dispute negotiator Vince Grange has a reputation for being a tough guy. Tough guys hammer out deals, drink beer, and keep their well-muscled, six-foot-four physiques in shape. They do not inherit frou-frou toy poodles named Mimi who only understand French. Good thing Vince was a softie for his late eccentric aunt, and really good thing she left him fourteen million dollars so he can hire a French dog nanny. But the minute sultry Sophie Veneau shows up, Vince takes a sudden interest in learning whatever she has to teach, especially if it's the French for "why don't we go to my room...?"

The World Is Too Darned Big MaryJanice Davidson

The name's Dyson. Benjamin Dyson. Genius engineering geek by day....and unfortunately, genius engineering geek by night. Ben may work for the CIA, but he's the mild-mannered brainy type who wouldn't know a gun from a gear shift. Enter Tara Marx. She's six feet of big, bad, booty-kicking fearlessness, and she needs Ben on her mission ASAP. Now, Ben has a chance to live out his secret fantasy—and Tara's getting more than she bargained for...because once she puts Ben in touch with his sexy bad side, he may just teach a pro a few, very naughty new tricks...

Guilty Pleasures Karen Kelley

Computer entrepreneur Alex Cannedy loves women—the way they move, talk, smell...and other things. He'd love to get to show Kagen Yates a good time, but his sister has declared the wealthy designer off-limits. She even makes him pinkie-swear not to so much as wink at the hot babe who's had her heart broken by men just like Alex. But Kagen wants to have a burn-up-the-sheets weekend of pleasure with Alex and won't take no for an answer. Now, she's laying down the gauntlet—48 hours of nonstop seduction by both parties. Whoever makes the other break first is the winner...and winner will definitely take all...

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