Southern Comfort

by Karen Kelley

Bookcover: Southern Comfort

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Southern Comfort
Karen Kelley
Kensington Brava
Trade Paperback
August 2004
ISBN 10: 0-7582-0709-3
Romance novel


Formats » Trade Paperback

Book Description for Southern Comfort

She Needed A Cover

Undercover DEA agent Fallon Hargis can handle a nine-millimeter and take down a drug cartel. But nothing in her training has prepared her for sexy Wade Tanner and Two Creeks, Texas. Hiding out in the rinky-dink town is a necessity until she can discover who betrayed her at the agency. But people who don't lock their doors? Who bake pies and tell you to have a nice day? Torture. And having seductive, caring Wade melting her armor one kiss at a time? Sublime torture...

He Needed A Wake-Up Call

Wade Tanner has had enough of living life on the edge. That's why he quit the detective life to become sheriff of this sleepy town. Now suddenly there's this bold, brassy, sexy, and unbelievably exciting woman luring him out of his comfort zone and into a life of chaos he didn't realize he missed. But what will it take to get her to trust show her what a man who cares can really do for her?

Southern Comfort

As the threat grows and danger narrows in, a tough-as-nails agent and a sly, unwavering sheriff are about to get in over their heads—on the case and in each other's hearts. And once they get a little taste of southern comfort, anything could happen...

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