Wanton: The Pack Of St. James

by Noelle Mack

Bookcover: Wanton: The Pack Of St. James

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Wanton: The Pack Of St. James
Noelle Mack
Kensington Brava
July 2008
ISBN 10: 0-7582-2276-9
Romance novel

Series: The Pack of St. James


Formats » Paperback

Book Description for Wanton: The Pack Of St. James

Kyril. Marko. Semyon. Brothers like no other, sharing an ancient blood bond and descent from Russian wolves. Sworn to lead the Pack of St. James and defend the English crown, their seductive charm is legendary among the women of London. But no one knows of the supernatural powers that raise them far above the ranks of mortal men. In WANTON, the second book of her compelling trilogy, Noelle Mack presents Marko's story...

A Dangerous Pleasure

In the year 1816, the Pack of St. James meets in secret in their London lair. An unknown assailant has begun to prey upon the women who consort with the men of the Pack—two have already died in mysterious ways and a poisoned communication threatens still more. With Kyril Taruskin and his love Vivienne away in the far north, attending to the clan's business in the Russian port of Archangel, his brother Marko begins to investigate—and finds the trail leads to a scandalous beauty known only as Severin.

One of the victims was Severin's half-sister, but that alone is not enough to explain her intimate knowledge of the strange case. Well aware how a clever woman can hide more than she reveals, Marko employs all his powers of sensual persuasion, barely able to resist the allure of her amber eyes and softly seductive voice. He has never been outwitted by a woman. But Severin is different from all the rest—very different—and loving her is a dangerous game indeed...

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