Seduce Me
by Megan Clark
Seduce Me
Megan Clark
Trade Paperback
August 2008
300 Pages
ISBN 10: 0-7582-0981-9
Erotica novel
Formats » Trade Paperback
Book Description for Seduce Me
Focused, ambitious Carissa is committed to the perfect man, but after moving in with him, she begins to long for a life like her friend Charlotte, a modern-day flapper, who is as free-spirited with her body as she is with her mind. On a whim, the women decide to take a decadent road trip where they will eat what they want, drink what they want, and sleep with whomever they choose. Carissa soon discovers that she is even better at this game than Charlotte is. SEDUCE ME is a tale of sensual discovery—where there is room for both passion and play, friendship and love...
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