Wicked Deeds On a Winter's Night

by Kresley Cole

Bookcover: Wicked Deeds On a Winter's Night

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Wicked Deeds On a Winter's Night
Kresley Cole
Pocket Star Books
November 2007
359 Pages
ISBN 10: 1-4165-4703-7
ISBN 13: 978-1-4165-4703-7
Romance novel

Series: Immortals After Dark

Highly Recommended

Formats » Paperback

Subjects » Competition and Contests, Paranormal, Valkyries, Vampires, Werewolves, Witches

Book Description for Wicked Deeds On a Winter's Night

Her breathless kiss haunts him...

Bowen MacRieve of the Lykae clan was nearly destroyed when he lost the one woman meant for him. The ruthless warrior grew even colder, never taking another to his bed—until a smoldering encounter with his enemy, Mariketa the Awaited, reawakens his darkest desires. When sinister forces unite against her, the Highlander finds himself using all his strength and skill to keep her alive.

His slow, hot touch is irresistible...

Temporarily stripped of her powers, Mari is forced to take refuge with her sworn adversary. It's rumored that no one can tempt Bowen's hardened heart, but soon passion burns between them. Though a future together is impossible, she fears he has no intention of letting her go.

No deed is too wicked for her seduction...

If they defeat the evil that surrounds them, can Mari deny Bowen when he demands her body and soul—or will she risk everything for her fierce protector?

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