Show Me

by Carole Hart

Bookcover: Show Me

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Show Me
Carole Hart
NAL Heat
Trade Paperback
January 2010
ISBN 10: 0451229037
ISBN 13: 978-0-451-22903-8
Romance novel


Formats » Trade Paperback, Ebook

Book Description for Show Me

A 24-hour cable channel that is completely uncensored, uninhibited, and without shame. And an erotic novel that follows suit...

XTV is the 24-hour cable channel for adults only- and it's hot fun for the women who work there: Zaza, the young ingénue who's more than eager to experience on-the-job training-in front of the camera...or behind. Emily is a revealing talk-show host, but the next thing to be exposed is her secret affair with one of the country's richest men. Vengeful anchorwoman Valerie's specialty is destroying careers. Now, all secrets are going to be revealed. No matter how dirty.

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