Insufficient Mating Material

by Rowena Cherry

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Insufficient Mating Material
Rowena Cherry
January 2007
ISBN 10: 0505527111
Romance novel


Formats » Paperback

Book Description for Insufficient Mating Material


Shot down...for failing to mate in public. Marooned on an island with the ultimate fashionista, who wouldn't take off her clothes to save her own life, Djetth discovers taht when a Tiger prince is honor bounc to hide his true identity, when his best tool of seduction bears a damning tattoo, and his very life is in danger, survival isn't just a matter of making out.

Someone is trying to kill them.

But even in the outrageously wicked Tigron Empire, who would dare to attack a royal princess and her consort? So what if she had spectacularly rejected his hand and privately turned her pretty nose up at his other princely parts? With the aid of two exiled empresses acting as psychic sleuths, some misplaced guitar glue, and a talent for disguises, he would unmask a killer and prove that this was certainly not a case of...

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