Secrets, Volume 25: Wicked Delights

by Anne Rainey, Cynthia Eden, Natasha Moore, Sedonia Guillone

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Secrets, Volume 25: Wicked Delights
Anne Rainey, Cynthia Eden, Natasha Moore, Sedonia Guillone
Red Sage Secrets #25
Trade Paperback
December 2008
324 Pages
ISBN 10: 1603100059
ISBN 13: 978-1603100052
Romance anthology


Formats » Trade Paperback

Book Description for Secrets, Volume 25: Wicked Delights

Vampiress Nema Alexander has a definite taste for bad boys. Slade Brion, a notorious bounty hunter, has just been charged with tracking her down. He won't stop until he catches her, and Nema won't stop until she claims him... forever.

Kass and Lian are sentenced to sex slavery for daring to seek freedom to love each other. Forced to make love for an audience, their hearts are secretly united while their bodies are on display.
They have only one chance to escape ... with each other and with their lives.

Scandalous Behavior - ANNE RAINEY
Five years of secretly lusting after her intriguing boss, Kevin Haines, is enough. Tess Marley wants to escape her dull life and see if Kevin is all she's dreamed he would be. But Tess makes a major miscalculation when she crosses the line between lust and love.

Former syndicated columnist Simon "Mac" MacKenzie hides a tragic secret. When freelance writer Alison Chandler seeks an exclusive interview, she threatens not only his carefully constructed lifestyle, but his longstanding ideas about love. Is their passion a distraction or the key to surviving their war of wills?

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