Coyote's Mate

by Lora Leigh

Bookcover: Coyote's Mate

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Coyote's Mate
Lora Leigh
Berkley Sensation
February 2009
ISBN 10: 0425226336
Romance novel

Series: Coyote Breeds
Series: The Breeds


Formats » Paperback, Ebook

Subjects » Future and Futuristic Settings

Book Description for Coyote's Mate

For six years Anya Korbin worked with Del-Rey Delgato—the genetically altered rebel known as the Coyote Ghost—to free a group of coyote women kept in her father's lab. As Anya matured into a woman, she and Del-Rey grew close...but then he broke his promise and killed her father. Now she must deal with her animalistic desire for the one who betrayed her.

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