Fast & Loose

by Elizabeth Bevarly

Bookcover: Fast & Loose

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Fast & Loose
Elizabeth Bevarly
Berkley Sensation
April 2008
304 Pages
ISBN 10: 0425220850
Romance novel


Formats » Paperback

Subjects » Artists, Sports and Athletes

Book Description for Fast & Loose

Thoroughbred trainer Cole Early needs a place to stay while his horse is preparing for the Kentucky Derby. With Louisville booked solid, he snaps up the snug little bungalow his real estate agent miraculously finds.

Glass artist Lulu Flannery has agreed to rent out her house for Derby, but quickly begins to worry. What if her boarder is someone like that rowdy "King Cole" person who keeps popping up in all the places she seems to be? A guy like that could really mess with a girl's feng shui.

But it isn't Lulu's feng shui that Cole is interested in. Especially after he discovers she's the mysterious woman whose house is filled with such sensual indulgences. What's a guy gotta do to bring the passion out of the self-possessed Miss Flannery?

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