Practice Makes Perfect

by Julie James

Bookcover: Practice Makes Perfect

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Practice Makes Perfect
Julie James
Berkley Sensation
March 2009
304 Pages
ISBN 13: 978-0-425-22674-2
Romance novel


Formats » Paperback, ebook

Book Description for Practice Makes Perfect

When it comes to the laws of attraction, there are no rules The battle between the sexes is about to make these two lawyers hot under the collar. Opposites collide when two lawyers try to make partner at the same firm. Payton Kendall is a feminist to the bone. Cocky J.D. Jameson was born privileged. But when they're asked to join forces on a major case, they gain a newfound awareness of each other's personal assets. The partnership spot will be offered to only one of them, though. The competition heats up. Sparks fly. Let the games begin.

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