The Spymaster's Lady

by Joanna Bourne

Bookcover: The Spymaster's Lady

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The Spymaster's Lady
Joanna Bourne
Berkley Sensation
January 2008
384 Pages
ISBN 10: 0425219607
ISBN 13: 978-0425219607
Romance novel


Formats » Paperback, ebook

Book Description for The Spymaster's Lady

She's never met a man she couldn't deceive...until now.

She's braved battlefields. She's stolen dispatches from under the noses of heads of state. She's played the worldly courtesan, the naive virgin, the refined British lady, even a Gypsy boy. But Annique Villiers, the elusive spy known as the Fox Cub, has finally met the one man she can't outwit.

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