Lying in Bed
by M.J. Rose
Lying in Bed
M.J. Rose
Spice Books
Trade Paperback
June 2006
ISBN 10: 0-373-60508-0
Erotica novel
Formats » Trade Paperback
Book Description for Lying in Bed
There was a time when Marlowe Wyatt had abandoned herself to the unrestrained pleasures of love; she'd been bold and unashamed, giving her heart and body to her lover without inhibition or hesitation. Until she was betrayed. It's ironic, then, that she now earns a living composing love letters for clients incapable of communicating desire— erotic fantasies she skillfully creates with her head, but never her heart...deliberately disconnected from her passionate core.
Her newest client is about to challenge all that. From the moment of their first encounter, Gideon Brown ignites in her an overpowering hunger like none she's ever known, and a vulnerability she thought she'd vanquished. As the powerful attraction that sizzles between them inspires Marlowe's best work, sensations and desires she'd long held in check sweep her toward the brink of surrender. Yet her own fear, plus thoughts of the woman for whom Gideon hired Marlowe to write the letters, holds her back. But for how long?
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