Second Time Around

by Portia Da Costa

Bookcover: Second Time Around

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Second Time Around
Portia Da Costa
Spice Briefs
June 2009
ISBN 13: 9781426835117
Erotica novella

Miniseries: Risque Reunions


Formats » Ebook

Book Description for Second Time Around

When Willa spots her ex-husband, James, eying her seductively at their high school reunion, she doesn't know what to think—or how to control her body's reaction to him. James has changed from the mild, non-confrontational man she married. Now he's darker, sexier and eager to be in command. For the first time in their relationship, Willa is helpless before him—and she likes it. It's time for her to make things right, starting by surrendering to pleasure...and to James's will.

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