Soul Strangers

by Eden Bradley

Bookcover: Soul Strangers

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Soul Strangers
Eden Bradley
Spice Briefs
January 2008
ISBN 13: 9781426812040
Erotica novella


Formats » Ebook

Book Description for Soul Strangers

She has come to Veracruz to heal. As the warm water of the Gulf envelops her, the ocean surges, swells, carresses her tender flesh. Suddenly he is standing there—a tanned, muscular stranger, beautiful and masculine, his smile brilliant and warm. She smiles back and he moves toward her. Soon, they touch, fondle, explore one another as the sensuous sea seduces them both. And as the sun descends, they discover new heights of passion and pleasure. Few words are spoken, no names are exchanged...yet for both of them, nothing will ever again be the same.

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