The Perfect Play

by Jaci Burton

Bookcover: The Perfect Play

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The Perfect Play
Jaci Burton
Berkley Heat
Trade Paperback
February 2011
324 Pages
ISBN 13: 978-0-425-23881-3
Romance novel

Series: Play by Play

First book in the Play By Play series.


Formats » Trade Paperback, Ebook, ebook,

Book Description for The Perfect Play

From the national bestselling author of Riding the Night comes an erotic story about love and the games people play.

The last thing event planner Tara Lincoln needs is the jet-set lifestyle of a football pro like Mick Riley; even though their steamy and passionate one-night stand proved that Mick is an all-star-both on the field and in the bedroom.

Tara played the game of love once and lost big, and she doesn't intend to put herself out there again, especially with a certified heartbreaker. But when Mick sets his mind to win, nothing will stop him. And he has the perfect play in mind to catch this sultry vixen.

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