Dark Embers

by Tessa Adams

Bookcover: Dark Embers

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Dark Embers
Tessa Adams
NAL Heat
Trade Paperback
July 2010
301 Pages
ISBN 10: 0451230582
ISBN 13: 978-0-451-23058-4
Romance novel

Series: Dragon's Heat

To save his people, he'll brave the fires of the heart.

"Dark tale of dragons, romance, and a deadly plague..."
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Formats » Trade Paperback, Ebook, ebook

Subjects » Fantasy Worlds, Destiny and Fate, Paranormal

Book Description for Dark Embers

A new erotic paranormal series, starring dragon shapeshifters, kicks off with a very sexy debut...

Prince Dylan MacLeod is one of the last pure-blood dragon shape-shifters—and ruler of a dying race, the Dragonstar clan. It falls to him to protect his people and their ancient magic. But he has one important duty: to provide an heir...

Like all dragons, Dylan, who has a dark, rampant sexual appetite, can only procreate with his destined mate—for whom he's searched for the last five hundred years. But his quest is delayed when a disease sweeps through the Dragonstars, and Dylan must venture to the human world to find a cure. He tracks down bio-chemist Phoebe Quillum, never imagining the beautiful scientist would be the mate he's been seeking. But even with the fate of the clan on their shoulders, Phoebe and Dylan are overcome by their sexual desire.

Their passion turns to something truer, but when Phoebe is kidnapped by Dylan's oldest enemy, he must risk everything for his love and his clan...

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