Archive for June, 2008

Newsletter quandry: Should I drop the newsletter?

So, I made plans to renew the newsletter and begin publishing it on a regular basis. Then I realized I still can't guarantee I have enough books to recommend on a particular schedule to make it worth my time to put it together. Of all the parts to this site, the newsletter seems to me to be the most difficult to keep a handle on. If I want to chat about erotic romance, I post here to the blog. If I want to recommend a book, I award it with the “recommended” title and that adds it to my recommended list.

So tell me, what do you get out of the newsletter—or am I wasting my time even worrying about it?

June Books Update

The June update has brought six new July 2008 Blaze titles to the site, along with several Spice books and Spice Briefs ebooks. Visit the pages to see the titles added. Read the rest of this entry »

Tweaking the site

I've mentioned before that I've been doing something of an overhaul to the site (behind the scenes, mostly). Although I had almost finished, there were a few things that still needed working on, and yesterday and today, I'm finally trying to wrap all that up.
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Historical Blaze

In July, expect a little something different with Blaze. Hope Tarr's Bound to Please is a historical romance! Set in 1460, this one is a first for the Blaze line. If you want to get in a preorder for this special book, here's a direct link.

Bound To Please (Harlequin Blaze)

I'll be treating the historicals as a miniseries within the blaze line, so you'll be able to find all the historicals on one page. However, I won't be adding the July books until later (but definitely this week). Happy reading!

Comments (1)

When a book is so bad you can't stop reading

Okay, I don't usually do these kinds of posts. You know, the ones where we point our fingers and laugh at the horribleness of a book. (Pretend horribleness is a word…) However, I can't seem to help myself today. Read the rest of this entry »

Reading Recs: Crave & Running Wild

Over the last week or so I've added two new reviews to the site, and both reviewed books made it onto the recommended reading list. Running Wild and Crave: The Seduction of Snow White are both very hot, very sexy, very good books!


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