Archive for April, 2009

Added April and May 2009 Blaze

A few days ago I added the April 2009 and May 2009 Harlequin Blaze books to the site. Oh, and the latest Spice & Spice Briefs too. :) I know it wasn't anyone's intention that I do so, but every time I type Spice Briefs, I think of underwear instead of books…

I've read quite a few great books lately and have several reviews in the works. I hate that I'm so far behind with them, but I just can't seem to put down the books long enough to type out the reviews for the one's I've already read!

If you want a sneak peek at what I thought of some of them thought without having to wait for the reviews, just check out the ratings and the recommended reads. If I recommended it, I really liked it. :)


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