…but it sure was a great book!
Okay, so I spent some serious time reading over the past month, and I'm definitely not staying on top of writing reviews for those books. I thought I'd mention them here though, because I've read some fabulous books lately.
Hard and Fast by Erin McCarthy — It's not available yet, but when it becomes available, you should run out and buy it right away. It was a wonderful book, full of all kinds of goodness. I absolutely loved Imogen and Ty, and usually the female characters are not my favorites. I'm all for the guys and I adore it when I find a female character I really love. I loved Imogen. This book is a (very, very) highly recommended read.
Kiss of Fate by Deborah Cooke — Okay, this one isn't exactly erotic romance. But it was sexy. And exciting. And action-y. And FABULOUS. I hadn't realized how much I might like reading about Dragon heroes until I read this book. Now I'm on the lookout for dragon stories…and buying the other books in the series I think I'm going to be addicted to.
Kiss of a Demon King by Kresley Cole — Finally! If you've been around this site very much, you'll probably realize I love, love, love the Immortals After Dark series. This is a wonderful addition to the series and Rydstrom and Sabine are now two of my favorite Immortals.
Raine by Elizabeth Amber — Oh, this one is hard to explain, but it was a great book. I loved Jordan and Raine. The only thing about the Lords of Satyr series is the darkness. I don't like to read too many dark stories in a row, so I wouldn't want to sit down and read all the stories at once, but I will definitely be reading the rest of the series. Definitely.
Oh, and right at this moment, I'm reading White Star, Never Been Witched, Everlasting Bad Boys, and a few others. I should really learn to focus on one book at a time…but then again, I might not enjoy reading so much if I had to follow rules about how I did it!
Goodness, there are still so many other books I've read lately, but many of them don't fit the site, and I'm out of time right now!
What good books have you read lately?