Some Recommended Books and How I'm Getting Along With My Nook
I've had my Nook for about a month now, I think, and I'm loving it. I do still occasionally read on my Palm powered phone, because there's nothing as convenient as a backlit device when you're reading in the dark, but with the addition of a book light, night reading is easy on the Nook.
I've loaded up quite a few books on the Nook over the past month and read quite a few too. I find it does make it just a bit harder for me to pick one book and stick too it. I've always been the kind of reader who lugs around 5 or 6 books at a time to wherever I'm sitting to read and pick through them until one catches my attention and doesn't let go.
I almost never read only 1 book at a time. In fact, right now, I have bookmarks in 6 books that I still consider myself to be actively reading (mostly print at the moment).
However, I've just recently finished a few I would HIGHLY recommend and will be adding them to the highly recommended list this week. The level of heat varies but these are fabulous books!
Burning Up (An anthology, just bursting with reading pleasures! Made me take another look at Nalini Singh's books and I'm currently reading Branded by Fire.)
Immortal Sea (Oh man, as I'll say in my review, this book has cemented my love of this series. The Children of the Sea is one of my favorite series of all time at this point.)
Body Master (Sexy — very! — I cannot wait for the sequel, The Body Thief.)
Don't Kill The Messenger (Not erotic romance, but great nonetheless! — At the moment, this trade sized paperback is for sale at a seriously bargain price at Amazon.)
The Demon in Me (Not enough sex by far, but a seriously great book anyway.)
Counterpoint: Song of the Fallen (Ends on something of a cliffhanger, but I loved the book anyway and look forward to the sequel! [Alt romance.])